<HK Government 6-stage policy framework – another illustration>
These were what I wrote over 1 year ago : part 1, part 2
To repeat, In general, this is how our government puts forward any policy :
Say something is good in a hard-sell manner; no alternative given (努力推銷)
(2) Without providing concrete evidence (leaving alone convincing one) (無實質理據支持)
(3) Only give AO-style rhetorics. It just loves quoting international examples whenever it is in favor of their policies. (得個講字)
(4) Impermeable to all commentaries and critics, which are considered as noise (無視一切反對聲音)
(5) The more heavily the policy is criticized, the more reluctant the government to change its policy (越多批評, 政府越抗拒改變)
(6) If public resentment elevates to an unacceptable level, the government will retreat somewhat but this only gives further elevation in resentment (our government really has expertise in making people furious (政府作出讓步, 但反而引來更多怨言)
(7) Finally, the government all along abandons the policy, which, if subject to some refinement in the early stages, may be worthwhile to purse. But i admit for most polices, they should not be pursued. Of course, no apology for wasting time and effort. (政府放棄有關政策)
The latest example? The landfill extension in TKO.
Some background : The possible extension of the landfill in TKO was first proposed back in 2005, according to this LegCo document. Exact wording : 政府將於2010年代初至中期著手擴建堆填區.
Then more works were done throughout the years. See more background here, and here for more. In brief, everytime the government put this proposal to the public, it will receive substantial amount of critics and oppositions. But the government is very adamant in pursuing this (stages 1-5 loop over and over).
On 4 June 2010 (another good day to remember), 以清水灣郊野公園新的已予批准的地圖取代原來的已予批准的地園. The designation (指令) will come into operation on 1 November 2010.
In all the subsequent meeting of this sub committee of LegCo, all participating parties/ individuals are against the designation. But interestingly, the government just repeat the same thing again and again.
On 27 Sep 2010, the LegCo members 一致通過動議,要求特首廢除將清水灣郊野公園「割讓」5公頃轉為堆填區的「指令」
In late Sept, LegCo and the government said arguing over whether the Cheif Executive / LegCo has the right to abolish the designation. Very funny letter here by the LegCo, which end with 除非律政司提出更令人信服的證據,否則其關於行政長官(及繼而是立法會)無權廢除《修訂令》的論據並不成立.
As all major political parties are against the proposal, on 6 Oct 2010, the government step back (stage 6), 將郊野公園修訂令的實施日期是由今年的十一月一日推遲十四個月去到二○一二年的一月一日
But the LegCo members obviously did not buy in such option. On 13 Oct 2010, the Legislative Council 以大比數票通過廢除擴大將軍澳堆填區指令的議員動議
But “港府如一意孤行,仍可繼續擴建“
Then all of a fucking sudden, in early 2011, 政府決定不會就立法會廢除徵用清水灣郊野公園擴建堆填區修訂令,提出司法覆核. This completed the 7-stage cycle.